Workplace Giving
Does your employer offer charitable giving programs, such as matching gifts, employee giving funds, or employee volunteer grants? Read our information on popular workplace programs below.

Matching Gifts
Many companies will double your donation. Some companies will also make monetary gifts for each hour you volunteer, and many will match the gifts of spouses and retirees! For more information, check with your company’s HR Department and notify Partners in Animal Care of your intentions.
Employee Giving Funds
Some companies offer Employee Giving Funds, wherein you can opt to pool your giving with your coworkers. Employee Giving Funds usually offer grants to qualified employee-recommended charities who complete a grant application. Recommend Partners in Animal Care today!
Employee Volunteer Grants
Your volunteer hours at Animal Care can translate into cash for our organization. Many companies will make donations to nonprofits in exchange for verifiable hours volunteered by their employees. Companies such as Verizon and TD Bank are already contributors. Check to see if your company will be too. Animal Care volunteer at ‘Partners Volunteers’ while accruing grant hours.
United Way
When your employer asks you to donate to United Way at work, be sure to tell them you want your donations targeted to Partners in Animal Care!