Planned Giving
Donating appreciated stocks or property you’ve owned for over a year can be a win-win. You may enjoy tax benefits by reducing or eliminating capital gains while benefiting homeless animals with your caring gift. Contact your financial advisor for more information and let us know.

Remembering Us in Your Will
This costs nothing now, yet provides for the future of the animals in our community and for the mission of Greenville County Animal Care. Leave a lasting legacy by naming Partners in Animal Care in your will for a specific amount, for a percentage or all of your estate, or for a portion of what is left after you have provided for your family.A bequest can be as simple as adding a few words to your will. Talk to your estate planner on how to structure a gift that makes the most sense for you and your family. Also, please let us know. We would like the opportunity to recognize your generosity.
Gifts from Retirement Assets
Retirement assets grow tax-free until withdrawn. With the innovative use of these assets, you can contribute to make a difference for homeless animals in the Upstate and provide for your loved ones. Qualified Charitable Distributions from an approved IRA or retirement fund for individuals over 70 ½ may allow the donor to offset some or all of the taxes owed on the distributions by making annual gifts from these accounts.
​Life Insurance, Commercial Annuities, Retirement Plan
Many taxes on plans such as life insurance policies, commercial annuities and retirement plans can be avoided or reduced through a carefully-planned charitable gift. Talk to your financial adviser for further information and let us know.